We are a non-profit organization established in 1979 to make scholarships available to graduating students and to promote academic achievement at
Newbury Park High School. We are a group of retired and current school counselors, teachers, community members, parents and students working together to raise money for the graduating seniors of NPHS. All money raised each year goes to the students.
Please email us for our Tax ID number at nphssf@gmail.com

Executive Board
Current Foundation Members
Subha Tholudur
Jen Kuo
Eloda Linehan
Van Banks
Lisa Saner
Charles Taggart
Richard Intlekofer
Kelli Bauwens
Tammi Taggart
Lisa Stewart
Tina Coleman
Juliane Detweiler
Steve Johnson
CSF Student
School Resources
NPHS Counseling Office
Phone: (805) 498-3676
College and Career Guidance Specialist
Call 805-498-3676 ext. 1101